Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The War at Sea saw many battles fought. Below is a list and description of some of the major battles fought in this war.
Battle of Jutland: (1916) Here, British and German fleets were out to find each other. Once they did, they open-fired on each other. Then, the British Battle Cruiser Fleet, led by Admiral Sir David Beatty, ran across the German High Seas Fleet, led by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. Many ships were lost as Britain waited on its Grand Fleet to arrive. When it did, the German fleet, led by Admiral Reinhardt von Scheer, retreated. Instead of pursuing, the Brits decided to intercept them when they returned. After this battle, the same thing occurred again, until the British decided not to cross the Germans again, after suffering so many losses (3 battle cruisers, 3 cruisers, 8 destroyers, and 6,100 men).
Battle of the Bight: (1914) This was the first major battle of the war. "The bight" was a partly sheltered part of the water on the northern coast of Germany, where several German naval bases were located. Britain, knowing that if they entered they would be shot down, developed a plan thought of by Reginald Tyrwhitt and Roger Keyes, to lure the Germans out of the cove and into the open sea. After some trying, the Germans finally entered open waters, where battle ensued. The Germans, after losing 3 cruisers and 1,200 men, retreated back and were ordered to keep off the open sea.
The Battle of Coronel: (1914) The German East Asia Squadron was stationed on an island group near China, but when war broke out, its leader, Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spee, knew they couldn't withstand an attack by enemy Japan. So they fled to South America to attack British ships there. Learning of their plans, the British West Indian Squadron, led by Rear Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock, set out to find and stop them. However, Britain was ill-equipped for such a battle, and were destroyed. Two ships were lost, as well as Cradock himself and 1,600 British sailors.
The Battle of the Falkland Islands: (1914) About 1 month later, Vice Admiral Spee had rounded Cape Horn and decided to not only interrupt British trading routes, but to attack and conquer one of its colonies- the Falkland Islands. Luck was against him-a British Squadron was in port at the time he attacked, and this time the British were better equipped with more modern ships and supplies. Because of this, Spee and his Squadron were destroyed, with Spee and about 2,100 Germans dead and 4 ships lost.

These are just some of the battles fought by the countries and forces in World War One. There were many more, including the Battle of Dogger Bank, the Battle of Otranto Straits, and the Raid on Zeebrugge.

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