Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Important People

The War at Sea proved to be a war that tested many military leaders' strength. While there are many, many leaders, there are a few key ones that everyone should know.
Sir Christopher Craddock: He was a British Admiral that lost the battle of Coronel to Spee.
Wilhelm Souchon: Souchon was a German Admiral that, having been involved in joint operations with Turkey, pulled Turkey into World War One.
Maximilian von Spee: He was the commander of the German East Asia Squadron. Spee was victorious at the Battle of Coronel, but lost at the Battle of the Falkland Islands.
Admiral Sir David Beatty: Beatty was the leader of the Battle Cruiser Fleet. He was in command when his fleet met the German Fleet at the Battle of Jutland.
Admiral Sir John Jellico: He was the man who was in command of the Grand Fleet during the Battle of Jutland. While he didn't participate in the beginning, he soon arrived at the scene, causing the Germans to retreat several times.
Admiral Reinhardt von Scheer: Scheer was the German commander in charge of the German High Seas Fleet. He continued to retreat the Britains, meeting up and fighting when intercepted. Despite the fact he retreated, he managed to win the battle.
Again, this is only a very small portion of the leaders who fought in World War One.

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