Wednesday, February 21, 2007

U-Boat Primary Source

Below is Chile's response to Germany's decision to resume U-Boat Warfare.
Chile's Diplomatic Protest to Germany
7 February 1917
The Chilean Government has taken cognizance of the note sent to it by his Majesty the German Emperor, in which Chile is informed that Germany has fixed the limits of a blockade area around the coasts of England, France and Italy, and in the Eastern Mediterranean.
It has been informed also that within said limits Germany will resort to hostile acts against whatever ship is encountered, even if it belongs to a neutral power.
Such a measure, in the opinion of the Chilean Government, amounts to a restriction of the rights of neutrals, to which restriction Chile cannot agree because it is contrary to the principles that have been long established in favour of neutral nations.
The acceptance by Chile of the measures adopted by Germany would, moreover, divert her from the line of strict neutrality which has been followed during the European conflict.
Chile consequently reserves liberty of action to protect all of her rights in the event of any hostile acts against her ships.

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